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Did you know that...?

When you register 7 accounts, you will earn $5 (N2000 / R100 / 30GHC) back instantly & your top account will be in Stage 2
When you register 15 accounts, you will earn $16 (N6400 / R320 / 96GHC) back instantly and 3 of your top accounts will be in Stage 2, with the remaining advancing from Stage 1

When you register 31 accounts, you will instantly earn $44 (N17, 600 / R880 / 264GHC) which is more than a quarter of what you have started with, and 7 of your top accounts will be in Stage 2, with the other accounts advancing from Stage 1

Registering 63 accounts at once will instantly earn you back $112 (N44,800 / R2,240 / 672GHC) which is more than a third of what you have invested and will put your top account in Stage 3, with 14 more accounts advancing from Stage 2, and the rest advancing from Stage 1

When you register and start with 127 accounts, you will instantly earn back $268  (N107,200 / R5,360 / 1,608GHC) which is almost half of what you invested, and this will put 3 of your top accounts in Stage 3, with 14 more advancing from Stage 2 and the others advancing from Stage 1

When you register with 255 accounts, you will instantly earn $620 (N248, 000 / R12, 400 / 3,720GHC) which is half of your invested amount, and this will put 7 of your top accounts in Stage 3, with 14 more advancing from Stage 2, and the rest advancing from Stage 1

When you register and start with 511 accounts, your top account will immediately be in Stage 4, with 14 more of your accounts advancing from Stage 3, 14 more advancing from Stage 2, and the others advancing from Stage 1, and you would have instantly earned back $1,404 (N561, 600 / R28, 080 / 8,424GHC) which is a bit more than half of money you put in to register the 511accounts.


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Multiple Accounts = Multiple Earnings & Benefits
Multiple Accounts Rocks!



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